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Anime spriting contest
DesharDate: Tuesday, 2011-12-20, 8:52 PM | Message # 16
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Quote (Pinwheel)
ah, anime sprites. sounds like we're really being innovative after 4 years of the same stuff.

Considering the dragon contest just finished I think people would prefer to get back into something they're more used to making, anime fits the bill.
PinwheelDate: Wednesday, 2011-12-21, 1:24 AM | Message # 17
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Which, in turn, allows you to keep doing the same shit over and over and not learn anything new and original.
MugenMasterDate: Wednesday, 2011-12-21, 2:13 AM | Message # 18
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Quote (Pinwheel)
allows you to keep doing the same shit over and over and not learn anything new and original.

If I spent most of my time spriting, say, Bleach and then I went to sprite Fullmetal Alchemist I would be doing something DIFFERENT, wouldn't I?

As well there is no set style, meaning Anime Characters are just a basic guide as to WHAT is being sprited. I could do JUS and then decide to sprite the same character in Gigant Battle, and I would be spriting the same thing yet improving in two different areas.

All spriting helps you improve, no matter what it is. And as a forwording, most 'pro' pixel artists would tell you to not jump head long into something completely and utterly original if your trying to improve your abilities, and you shouldn't be afraid of spriting something from a series, a picture, etc.

Now, due date-wise, I think Jan. 16 is a pretty good idea, what with winter break for most people either happening already or coming up.

PinwheelDate: Wednesday, 2011-12-21, 4:46 AM | Message # 19
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Quote (MugenMaster)

Which means you'll GENERALLY never make anything original.

Quote (MugenMaster)
If I spent most of my time spriting, say, Bleach and then I went to sprite Fullmetal Alchemist I would be doing something DIFFERENT, wouldn't I?

In the dumbest sense possible, yup. You people would probably learn something about design if you'd just freelance your shit.

Quote (MugenMaster)
All spriting helps you improve, no matter what it is.

>Sees your avatar is LSW
>You've officially lost all credit on this matter

Quote (MugenMaster)
nd as a forwording, most 'pro' pixel artists would tell you to not jump head long into something completely and utterly original if your trying to improve your abilities, and you shouldn't be afraid of spriting something from a series, a picture, etc.

It's not like you're dipping your toe in cold water to a pot of boiling oil. The idea that you have to stick to a specific design as opposed to stuff you can just make up along the way must be so hard, but oh lawdy lawdy no we don't like change :'(.
MugenMasterDate: Wednesday, 2011-12-21, 6:09 AM | Message # 20
Group: Generation Masters
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Quote (Pinwheel)
You people would probably learn something about design if you'd just freelance your shit.

People learn in different ways. If they WANT to sprite anime then what right do you have to say no, Pin?

Quote (Pinwheel)
>Sees your avatar is LSW
>You've officially lost all credit on this matter

No, by injecting your own bias into this conversation you have lost the ability to speak on the matter. Have you seen Snoop? His LSW work is magnificent, it's the best I've seen and it's always custom. He's proof that in the right hands any and all styles can be sprited amazingly.

Quote (Pinwheel)
The idea that you have to stick to a specific design as opposed to stuff you can just make up along the way must be so hard, but oh lawdy lawdy no we don't like change :'(.

And by trying to just barge in and force change on us, we are all suddenly supposed to turn a new leaf? If you don't like the way the spriters here work then LEAVE. One thing this site is promoting is spriting in any way you see fit-if someone PREFERS spriting in a certain style over others than let it be so. If YOU don't like their ideals, then so it is. Change cannot be pushed onto someone Pin, when one feels they are ready to move on they will-an outside person can't direct or change that in any way.

AceDate: Wednesday, 2011-12-21, 5:56 PM | Message # 21
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People sprite what they want to sprite. Sure, we could try and be original and make brand new original stuff, but if we don't enjoy ourselves as much I don't see the point. I like spriting anime characters, most spriters I know like spriting anime characters, so I don't think there's a problem with it.

I agree with MM, Jan 16 seems like a reasonable due date.

DesharDate: Wednesday, 2011-12-21, 10:34 PM | Message # 22
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Quote (Pinwheel)
Which, in turn, allows you to keep doing the same shit over and over and not learn anything new and original.

Incorrect, by going back and strengthening the things you already know how to do you stabilise your ability to do that specific thing, allowing you to use that knowledge easier when you come to do something different.
Aside from this, not everyone here is an expert spriter and for those who want to learn to sprite it is a decent starting point where those who already know how to do it can give those who don't the advice they need to improve, allowing them to again gain knowledge that they can use when they come to do something different.

Since this is not a debate thread I wont say anymore here on the subject, however should you wish to continue this debate I can make a thread in the chat section specifically for this perpose.

If you want a contest run your way then I can only suggest you make your own contest thread with your own rules.
reborn574Date: Wednesday, 2011-12-21, 10:44 PM | Message # 23
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I`ll enter.

- -
MugenMasterDate: Wednesday, 2011-12-21, 11:54 PM | Message # 24
Group: Generation Masters
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Quote (Deshar)
I can make a thread in the chat section specifically for this perpose.

That screams 'flame war' in the near future to me.
The bottom line, and true end of this 'debate', is that everyone is entitled to both their opinion and styles of spriting. I admire Pinwheel for having his own ideas, and I admire you all for having yours as well.

Quote (reborn574)
I`ll enter.

5 Entrants then, yay~

AceDate: Thursday, 2011-12-22, 0:06 AM | Message # 25
Group: Generation Scholars
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Hey MM wanna go ahead and update the post with the due date? I can't sad

MugenMasterDate: Thursday, 2011-12-22, 1:57 AM | Message # 26
Group: Generation Masters
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Quote (Ace)
I can't

You can't? I'll have to look into that, then...

PinwheelDate: Thursday, 2011-12-22, 2:00 AM | Message # 27
Group: Generation Starters
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Quote (MugenMaster)
People learn in different ways. If they WANT to sprite anime then what right do you have to say no, Pin?

Well gee, I guess I don't have any freedom of speech here. I'm not saying "NO DON'T DO IT YOU'LL DESTROY THE SPACE TIME CONTINUUM", I'm saying it's a retarded and stale idea.
Quote (MugenMaster)
No, by injecting your own bias into this conversation you have lost the ability to speak on the matter. Have you seen Snoop? His LSW work is magnificent, it's the best I've seen and it's always custom. He's proof that in the right hands any and all styles can be sprited amazingly.

Haha yes. By pointing out a faulty style that requires hardly any effort on the person creating it's part, I'm completely and utterly wrong. Go check some sprites on Deviantart and tell me that people who sprite LSW 30 times in a row are on par with the people creating masterpieces. Even HD Revamps of sprites help more than that.

And yes, I have seen it. And no, it isn't proof that it can be sprited amazingly. It looks like something anybody can do with 15 minutes spent inside paint. And for the record, if you're doing anything BUT "Custom", you're doing it wrong. He's just doing what everybody SHOULD be doing. That's like saying the boy standing in line not shoving should be rewarded because 3 other children were.

And by the way, didn't you just say by injecting my own bias into a conversation I lost my ability to speak on the matter? Well whoops, there goes your "ability to speak on the matter" by saying that Snoop's sprites are just LORDLY proving your point.
Quote (MugenMaster)

And by trying to just barge in and force change on us, we are all suddenly supposed to turn a new leaf? If you don't like the way the spriters here work then LEAVE. One thing this site is promoting is spriting in any way you see fit-if someone PREFERS spriting in a certain style over others than let it be so. If YOU don't like their ideals, then so it is. Change cannot be pushed onto someone Pin, when one feels they are ready to move on they will-an outside person can't direct or change that in any way.

And by telling me that it's wrong to try and give a shove in the right direction from my point of view, I'm supposed to take anything you say seriously? If nobody told spriters what they were doing wrong, they would never get it right. This is why people hate criticism. They're always spoon-fed a load of steaming shit.

And by my not liking their ideals, it's suddenly a bad thing to disagree? So what's the moral difference if I didn't like people killing babies, but the general consensus wanted them dead? There isn't a right side, it's just with who has the larger amount of people on their side to agree with. And yes, change can be forced upon somebody, despite that not being what I'm doing. Go take a look at Africa and foreign armies and tell me I'm wrong. People won't move on if you just keep telling them they're doing a great job on the same shit. The whole reason of moving on in pixel-art is so you can take a shot at harder stuff and eventually get it right, not lay back and keep posting the same shit and feel comfortable with repeating yourself.

Quote (Deshar)
Incorrect, by going back and strengthening the things you already know how to do you stabilise your ability to do that specific thing, allowing you to use that knowledge easier when you come to do something different.
Aside from this, not everyone here is an expert spriter and for those who want to learn to sprite it is a decent starting point where those who already know how to do it can give those who don't the advice they need to improve, allowing them to again gain knowledge that they can use when they come to do something different.

By going back to first grade and repeating 11-8, I'm not strengthening my Calculus skills. By stepping into something that's harder than you know and practicing it with people telling you what you're doing wrong until it's right is when you learn something. It'd be different if you guys were doing something progressive in progress, but the shit I keep seeing here isn't.

And the thing is, nobody here is really a beginner, nor an expert. Nobody here is as bad as the whole "keep doing it over and over" mindset, you're all better than this and you know it.
MugenMasterDate: Thursday, 2011-12-22, 2:35 AM | Message # 28
Group: Generation Masters
Messages: 602
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I'm getting tired of your bad-mouthed responses Pin. Tone it down, this site is considered PG-13 and I intend to keep it that way.

This is not a debate thread, and Ace, the thread starter, is getting annoyed at it.

Spriters will make whatever they in the way they choose to. I am not saying that you are wrong or that you are giving a bad idea, what I DON'T Like is how you challenge every little thing that they do because you believe it isn't what they should be doing.

Quote (Pinwheel)
I'm saying it's a retarded and stale idea.

By YOUR standards, of course. Not by theirs. You are not the end-all be-all of pixel work Pin-no matter how hard you act like it.

Quote (Pinwheel)
And yes, I have seen it. And no, it isn't proof that it can be sprited amazingly.

Yes, yes it is. If he can make sprite the style into something worth taking the time to look at then it proves my point exactly. I don't know why, but you just seem to hate the LSW style. However, I don't see why. Tell me 5 legitimate, non-varied reasons why it's bad in any-which way. And no, simplicity is not a downfall.

Quote (Pinwheel)
Well whoops, there goes your "ability to speak on the matter" by saying that Snoop's sprites are just LORDLY proving your point.

You came straight forward and said that my avatar is bad JUST because it's LSW styled.
I rebutted with an example of someone who has pretty-much mastered the style to make it 'good'.
The difference? I used a fact to support my idea.

Quote (Pinwheel)
And by telling me that it's wrong to try and give a shove in the right direction from my point of view, I'm supposed to take anything you say seriously?

And by coming into a harmless spriting contest and going against it only because it clashes with your ideas, and your not even part of it to begin with, I'M supposed to take YOU seriously? I never said that your idea was WRONG, I said it is WRONG to try and drag people into it.

Quote (Pinwheel)
If nobody told spriters what they were doing wrong, they would never get it right.

And how is this doing anything wrong? This is just something they WANT to sprite. If you where commenting on actual sprites it may make sense, but your just challenging the means of the contest.

Quote (Pinwheel)
And by my not liking their ideals, it's suddenly a bad thing to disagree?

No, it's a bad thing to claim that they are wrong because they don't do things how you want them to. This isn't even about you simply disagreeing anymore, you want them to completely change the way/what they are spriting.

Quote (Pinwheel)
Go take a look at Africa and foreign armies and tell me I'm wrong.

That isn't the kind of change I'm referring to and you know that.

Quote (Pinwheel)
if you just keep telling them they're doing a great job on the same shit.

They aren't spriting the same sprite over and over again Pin.

Quote (Pinwheel)
The whole reason of moving on in pixel-art is so you can take a shot at harder stuff and eventually get it right, not lay back and keep posting the same shit and feel comfortable with repeating yourself.

Once again, it's not like every single one of them is making a JUS-Styled Naruto five times over. Moving on in Pixel Art, from my point of view, should happen in steps. Once you have the next 'step' down you should move on, but until then you SHOULD lay back and fix whatever you need to. And by the way, your contradicting yourself. If they 'eventually get it right' then they would have been spriting it numerous times, but isn't that what your trying to get them away from doing?

Quote (Pinwheel)
By going back to first grade and repeating 11-8, I'm not strengthening my Calculus skills.

Of course not. But it helps you strengthen your basics, and such aspects need to be built upon, not done a few times and then continue on regardless.

Quote (Pinwheel)
It'd be different if you guys were doing something progressive in progress, but the shit I keep seeing here isn't.

Oh? From what I've been seeing is everyone improving since the beginnings of this site a few months ago. And you know what the secret is? CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. I understand some people don't like it when they get criticized, but when you call their work Shit, or Retarded, or Garbage they aren't going to comply. Constructive crit. is done because it is FRIENDLY and conveys the topic in a manor that isn't infuriating, but still gets the job done.

Quote (Pinwheel)
Nobody here is as bad as the whole "keep doing it over and over" mindset, you're all better than this and you know it.

Of course, if people did the same things over and over for a gigantically long time span it would probably be time to move on, but that doesn't mean they should. Some people work to sprite large creations in the future, but others just want to see their favorite characters come to life and don't really care about 'moving up' in pixel art. In fact, my take on the LSW style is almost the same-I made the style a bit more animatable simply so I can use it in animations, I have no intention of going too deep into Pixels besides animations, but that is another thing entirely.

This should end, like now. We're getting into this obvious loop, repeating things over and over.

DesharDate: Thursday, 2011-12-22, 5:08 AM | Message # 29
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Since he didn't respond to my debate thread idea I'm going to assume he doesn't want to debate any thurther. I'll just leave it at 'make your own contest thread with your own rules.' and move on.

As for the topic, anyone made any progress on their sprite? I'm going to be sitting out of this contest.
reborn574Date: Thursday, 2011-12-22, 5:14 AM | Message # 30
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As for the topic, anyone made any progress on their sprite? I'm going to be sitting out of this contest.

I`ll probably start this weekend though

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